Sunday, May 12, 2013

6 Days Left

This is the final week! We have 6 days left to complete the house before our graduation and dedication on Saturday. This weekend was very successful as we marked off several tasks on the lists. The soffit and fascia are done and now we can finish painting. Thanks to Sam Stokes Nursery and Hawkins Nursery, both of Forest Hill, Louisiana, for donating the beautiful plants that accents the house perfectly. Today has been a huge day because we moved the cabinets into the kitchen, put on the hardware, and are installing the counter tops.

 It is getting pretty official when you put up the mailbox!

 Trim in the living room
 The full bath

The ramp by Freedom by Design

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Final Countdown

With less than 10 days to complete the house, we are working day and night to achieve our goal. This past weekend the majority of the exterior was painted, as well as finishing up the siding. The tile in the kitchen was set today and is waiting to be grouted tomorrow. The back porch has stairs and the front porch stairs are in progress. Tuesday, the insulation crew insulated underneath the house. Once the inspector approves the electrical work, we will have permanent power. We expect that within a day or two. With a forecast of rain Friday and Saturday, our goals are to complete the soffit, the stairs, and the painting. The digital fabrication on the canopy has been cut on the plasma cutter and is waiting installation. The sliding door in the living room/kitchen has also started construction. On the interior, the remaining doors are being painted and installed and the trim has been profiled.
Back Porch Stairs

Painting Doors


Front Porch 

Front Porch Bracket


Sunday, May 5, 2013

2 weeks left and we are working harder than ever.  We started painting the siding and wrapping up porches today. We have tile in the bathrooms and stained cabinets ready to go on the wall. We are expecting the rest of the cabinets on Monday. With only two weeks left we will be giving it our all to make sure this house is finished on time and at this rate we will make it happen. Stay tuned for new pictures and updates.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Things are looking good around the habiTECH house. This week we have continued working on the porches and siding to finish the outside of the house. We have also started working on the inside of the house after dark.  Ceiling fans and light switches are in and interior doors and light fixtures are coming up next.  With only a few weeks left until May 18th, we will be working steady to make sure we complete the house on time.